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Reading Hours, a Monday Musing

musingmondays1Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading?

Housekeeping notes:
1. I’m behind in attending to all your thoughtful comments in the last two posts. I’ll get to them and also update blogroll.
2. As of Sunday night, the blog is 99 comments short of 10,000. The 10,000th commentator will most likely manifest the next two days. Good luck!

In this past Booking Through Thursday post I talked about my two-hour reading ritual early in the morning. During the regular semester, the teaching job doesn’t mandate my presence at the office until late morning. Being an early bird, waking up at 5 in the morning, subject me to the advantage of a smooth, quiet morning, free of phone calls and other mundane distractions, that is conducive to productive reading. I usually read far more in terms of pages during the two hours in the morning than any time of the time, because my mind is refreshed and clear. Usually I read some more early evening and make some reading notes, but I never read in bed. The weekend is usually when I catch up with my reading, my blog reading, and also attending to blog comments.

35 Responses

  1. I love reading in the morning. I usually exercise in the am but on my day off it’s so great to curl up with a big cup of coffee and just read. 🙂

  2. I wish I was a morning person. Big sigh. I get up at 5:00 for work and on weekends if I have a dog agility competition, but it’s painful. I’m a night reader. Which could explain the trouble with getting up in the morning, couldn’t it? 🙂


  3. I read whenever I can! Though I never really get to read in the mornings, except on weekends. I tend to wake up earlier than Tony on weekends, so I use the time when he’s sleeping to get some extra reading time in. Mostly I read in the evenings, and try to get some extra reading done on the weekends (I love when I can devote Sunday to reading!).

  4. I almost always read before bedtime, but I also like to snatch a few moments of reading time during the day, either whilst travelling to and fro work (not so mucb lately) or over lunch if dining out on my own.

  5. Morning reading is definitely the most productive, but I rarely get it. I am usually shuttling kids around. I listen to my audios all the time, but reading a hard book requires sitting still, which normally happens in the evening. 10,000 comments, huh? That is a butt load. I wonder how many of those are mine!

  6. I read whenever and wherever I can. I keep books in my car, my office, at home, etc. I always feel that I don’t have enough time to read. I typically read more on the weekends and really look forward to vacations when I catch up on a lot of my TBR stack!

  7. I start and end the day with my book…but morning reading is usually more productive. And yes, I get up two hours earlier than I need to, just to read 🙂 It’s worth it!

  8. In 3 more days I will be on summer vacation and I will have my morning reading time back! I can’t wait!

  9. How exciting to be reaching 10,000 comments! I’m a night owl, so I will read into the wee hours if its a page turner.

  10. I usually read in afternoons and evenings, as my mornings are often taken up with various commitments and tasks. I get in most reading when I am able — usually in between things. Occasionally, I will set aside a larger block of time just for reading, and woe betide those who would intrude.

    Congratulations on the approaching 10,000th comment.

  11. I read whenever I can. And I always make sure to carry a book wherever I go. Killing time and catching up on my reading… what a bonus! 😉

  12. I read at any and every opportunity, but I love to read before bed. I usually go to bed at least an hour before I intend to go to sleep so I have a good chunk of time to get lost in a book. (This has resulted in a few unexpected all-nighters when I was simply too absorbed in a book to go to sleep!)

  13. I read a lot in the evenings after work, but I am an early riser as well and morning is prime real estate time. What a nice way to start the day.

  14. I love reading in the morning too but I’d never really had the opportunity until now that I’ve been out of work for a while. Usually though I prefer to read at night. Just helps me wind down from all the daily stuff.

  15. I read much more during vacations. I love a cup of tea with my reading!

  16. No set time. I read when and where i can, although these days it sometimes feels like i am not getting enough reading time (too much stuff going on)!

  17. Marie:
    I have similar routine as well. Usually hit the gym first before heading over to the cafe for reading and breakfast. 🙂

  18. Lezlie:
    I think it’s fine as long as you develop a routine with things. I used to be a night reader when I was in college. Somehow I have completely changed my routine now. You have to tell me about the dog agility competition. I love dogs. 🙂

  19. Steph:
    Weekends are great time for catching up on readings and journal entries for me. The coffee shop tends to be (well usually) a lot quieter in the morning hours and so I can ponder at my readings a bit more.

  20. cheeky angel:
    I have a difficult time being focused in HK. lol. I can’t even find a place where I can quietly enjoy a sip of coffee and a book. Everyone seems to be in a big hurry. 🙂

  21. Sandy:
    I was going to say morning might be hectic for a lot of moms who have to get kids ready for school and shuttle them around. Audio books would be a nice idea. You got to do what you have to do, right? 🙂

  22. Kathleen:
    I have a vacation pile in my room: books that I specifically singled out for vacation reads. I spend long stretches of time reading and make sure to have a handy list of local bookstores. 🙂

  23. Becca:
    Two best things to do in the morning are hitting the gym and reading. That’s the motivation of my getting up early. 🙂

  24. nanscorner:
    When I was in school, I looked forward to summer vacation and long breaks so I can read books that aren’t school-related.

  25. Nise’:
    How wonderful! I used to read into late hours when I was a kid. Now my schedule is structured that I have to get up early in the morning and call the night early. 🙂

  26. Greg S:
    What also matters to me is the environment in which I read. I might be more tired in the afternoon but have found reading productive if I can focus and concentrate in a quiet place.

  27. Melody:
    You and I are like twins in carrying books around. I *always* have a book with me regardless of where I go. Dim sum, movie, lunch,… I am not taken up with text messaging or video game player, so I always have a book so I can kill time. 🙂

  28. Ruth @ Bookish Ruth:
    Okay one of these days, probably soon since it’s summer, I’ll pull an all-nighter reading a page turner. I like the appeal of a book that completely engrosses me. 🙂

  29. Nicole:
    I’m more clear-minded in the morning so it’s perfect for reading. 🙂

  30. iliana:
    But regardless of what time you read, you’re very productive reader to me. 🙂

  31. gautami tripathy:
    I usually take it easy on vacation and make sure I have plenty reading time. 🙂

  32. CW:
    I can pick up a book and start reading, out of the constraint of my responsibility and tasks. 🙂

  33. Matt ~ I noticed on your “About Matt” page that you like dogs more than people. That’s when I knew we’d get along. 🙂 We have a competition this weekend, so I’ll be posting about it starting tomorrow.


  34. I barely make it to work in time let alone have extra time to read in the AM. I have been waking earlier to work out, and I may try and read on my stationary bike. Or at least try it out 🙂

  35. That sounds like a beautiful way to start each day. I get up at 5 am too but I have to be at work by 8 am so I don’t near enough time to read!!

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