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Quality vs. Quantity

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I checked in at the Booking Through Thursday blog, which is the host for a weekly book meme or blogging prompt. Here is this week’s prompt:

Which is more important? Quality for your reading? Or quantity?

Hands down quality. Quantity, unless it’s variety of books read, doesn’t mean anything. By the end of the end, I would reflect and look in retrospect of what I have read. Some books are so intense, memorable, and relentlessly provocative that I still felt like I just put them down. In short, those are quality books that stay with me. Gone Girl, The Expats, Life and Death in Shanghai, American Tragedy, The House of Mirth, The Secret History, The Dinner, and Mr Churchill’s Secretary—these are some of the fiction titles that have stayed with me this year. They belong to a wide spectrum of genres. Sometimes I feel that reading is like food: do you prefer a filet mignon, cooked to a perfect medium pink inside, and really savor that experience with a glass of pinot noir, or some massively prepared mound of meat at the buffet steam table?

One Response

  1. I agree with you, quality is most important, but I don’t agree with you that “Gone Girl” was a book that stayed with you because of the quality, I hated that book, I know I am probably the only person that hated it, but, what can I say….some are winners and some just don’t hit the mark for me.

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